Friday, June 10, 2005

Recall them All

A few years back celebrities made some remarks at an award show and was booed. The media and other celebrities were quick to jump to their defense appalled that the audience rudely rejected this person’s right to free speech. I laughed all week. They just didn’t get it. The audience didn’t reject a person’s right to free speech. They used their own right of free speech when they said, “BOO.”

Mr. Brush has every right to voice his opinion. I would even go further to say that since Mr. Brush is a representative of the people; he has an obligation to voice his opinion. The word representative is the key. You see Mr. Brush was elected to represent the will of the people in ward 3. He was not elected to do his will for the people in ward 3.

People in ward 3 followed the law and voiced their own opinion that Mr. Brush was not representing them. Enough people said that they believe that they should put the question back to ward 3 to answer. If ward 3 feels that Mr. Brush actions are not in line with representing them, they have every right to remove him. Each voter in Ward 3 only needs to ask, “Is he representing me the way I want?”

I am neither for nor against Mr. Brush. I do think that we should push this accountability to more politicians.


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