Monday, June 27, 2005

Let's look at the true effect of an income tax.

Let's talk about what a income tax will do in Pataskala.

First thing is your check gets smaller. It like you received a pay cut. Hey, you say to your employer. I need a raise to get back to where I was before. I have bills I have to cover. You see, politicians don't realize, you have mortgages, car payments, electric and gas bills. Cost of living, which I'll touch more on, is going up. Thank to the income tax you just got a pay cut!

Now if your employer is a nice and fair employer, you may get the difference. Of course all employers are so caring aren't they? If your employer is in Pataskala, he also getting hit with his "business profits" being taxed. Your boss is not only going to have to pay you and each employee more to cover your losses in pay, but his company tax? So Mr. Local Business Owner is not only taking the hit from the tax to his profit but absorbing what he can for his employees. I won't even add the extra cost and time to calculate report and pay these taxes our business owners will have to occur.

What will Mr. Business Owner do to recoup this cost? Raise prices!!! Yet that won't affect those in point number 4 will it? Yes, it will. Now we have a raise in cost of living. Don't we have a natural cost of living? Yes we do, but now you have just added to it. Remember that raise we got to make up the difference because of the tax. I now need more because everything is more expensive.

Now things are more expensive in Pataskala and it cost more to run the city than it did before. Plus we want to offer some new things. Raise that tax rate and start the cycle going. When has a city added an income tax and never said they needed to raise it after a few years? Not going to find many.

Look at the State of Ohio. Bob Taft has passed or threatened to pass and raise every tax know to man. State funding of Schools have been deem unconstitutional. State is losing money in investments and rare coins. It all like a joke to the media. It no joke because they will come after us for the money. Mr. Taxpayer is loaded. But no pressure is being put on the State. Local School system would rather label the tax payer as uncaring about kids rather than press the state to fix its problem. State is cutting back so local tax payer need to pay up. I didn't get any tax cut from the State where do you think this money comes from.


Blogger Gravaman said...

Hi. I read with interest your comments about SWL Schools in "Letter to Jay Hottinger". I have been interested in State of Ohio and SWL school funding since the first DeRolph decision. Still putting my ideas together. See: .

Always looking for people to share ideas with. Right now it is limited to my letters to the School Board members.

11:56 AM  

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