Thursday, June 28, 2007

ProLogis Partnership

I think we can find a win-win situation here. I think the only way to support the ProLogis Partnership is if we work together so everyone wins.

Let’s start with SWL School System because they have the biggest stakes at this table. It has been determined that more room is needed. Although the use of the new building has not been determined, a new building is needed. Right now without the abatement, the SWL School systems are still looking to put a levy on the ballot to pay for this building. That money can only be used to build a building and does not even go to run the building. The SWL School systems said that the need for addition operating funds may have to go to the public as well.

What the ProLogis is suggesting is 100% abatement for property tax. They will build and find companies for these building. The companies and the employees will be subject to the 1.75% SWL income tax. (Or do these companies get abatements to this too?) The 1.75% SWL income tax is set to Operating funds and can not be used to build the building that is needed. ProLogis is also suggesting that a JEDZ or JEDD be created to add an additional income tax to recoup the loss tax property tax money. This income tax money is a slow growth stream of money as we have seen with the current JEDZ. I’m not sure that the New JEDZ or JEDD money is even being earmarked for the school. I believe that the Current JEDZ money is earmarked for road improvements.

You can see that a future revenue stream is being offered to a School Board that school board needs. I don’t see why we can’t get ProLogis to offer the school board a more substantial incentive for abatement. Why can’t ProLogis offer the School Board a financial ‘Gift’ to be used toward a new building? Didn’t ProLogis do that last time? My memory is a little fuzzy because I just moved here around that time. But didn’t the ProLogis recommend the JEDZ after the abatement and gift last time? This gift would help ease the burden of building the new building on the local tax payers and gain support from both the School board and tax payers.

As for Mr. Butcher and Pataskala’s part in the partnership, it is not out of line for us to request that some of its JEDD money to upgrade the Interstate 70-Ohio 310 interchange, which stands in our township and will be burdened with traffic from the development.

If Mr. Butcher wants to play hard ball and go to another township to partner, he seems to be forgetting that he is seeking our approval to attach his industrial park on to existing road in our industrial park. Let see Mr. Butcher get the zoning and approval for an industrial park with dumping the traffic on Minks Road and Broad Street. That seemed to go over real well with the voters on the proposed “Buckeye Farms” location.

Let’s not forget that Mr. Butcher is looking at trying to pass his own income tax and if he could get that passed, Pataskala could be the taxing authority of the new section instead of Newark. All the funds from ‘BOTH’ new JEDD or JEDZ could go to Pataskala.

Etna needs to hold there ground. The offer is good but not that good. There is no reason that the other two sides can’t help the school.


Blogger Gravaman said...

I attended the abatement School Board meeting. The bottom line for me is: How is the School District going to benifit? I asked the question: "How much more money per student per years will the District recieve? [if ProLogis gets there abatement]". Well, the answer was $30,000 a year for the first 15 years. $30,000/3500 students is less than $9 per student per year. Our District expideture is over $8,000 per student per year. Not good enough.

Also: I [Bob Charles] am running for a SWL School Board seat in the November 2007 election. Brad Williams and David Engle are seeking re-election. This will be an interesting experience.

See my blog:

and my main site

for more details.

9:43 PM  

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