My first township zoning Commission. Part II
O.k. I covered Traffic and Trash. I’ll come back to the evil of Wal-mart. I just have to talk about Bart Welier, President of the Pataskala Area Chamber of Commerce. I found his comment to be arrogant and snooty. To get up and tell the resident of the community that this growth is coming and you better get use to it, it showed how little Mr. Welier cares about the community that he is suppose to be servicing.
Mr. Welier we do not have to expand as Brice road or 256 just because we are the next exit. We do not have to make the same mistakes they did. Your comments show that you haven’t been paying attention to Etna Township. The zoning committee and trustee have paid special attention to when, where and how things come into this community. Solid growth is more than opening the door to any and every business that want to plop down any where they want. Planning and developing areas for business with the water, traffic and other infrastructure in place before the business or residential area comes to result issues before they become issues. Etna Township doesn’t want to be in the position of wasting money fixes problem that business or builder assured weren’t going to be problem and later find out they are.
Business will be coming to Etna, and we will see rapid growth in a short amount of time. It will be on our terms. Etna is a premium property for a company that wants to grow and expand with us. We look forward to working with businesses that want to work with the community. We will not Ohh and Ahh over every business that touts you can have revenue if I come. We say at what cost this so called revenue is taking on the community. You seem to believe that we should be appalled that Reynoldsburg is getting Sales tax and Property tax from a Wal-mart. We should only shop where we live. I choose to look at it as paying Reynoldsburg for putting Wal-mart in their backyard so I don’t have too just to shop there.
Business that come to our community should come prepared to better the community rather than profit from it. We want businesses live up to the high business ethics. You see these ethics in our local government, our local hometown business and our residents. There nothing wrong with being small. We are a small community. We will grow but that don’t necessarily mean size. We want to grow in to a strong community. Look at Brice road now. How many buildings are vacant? They grew big but not strong.
Let’s look at a Wal-Mart coming into Etna.
We know
· Wal-Mart fails to cover 60% of their workers with any health insurance.
· In addition to paying premiums up to $249.71 per month for family coverage and $72.40 per month for single coverage, Wal-Mart workers must meet annual deductible of $350 to $1,000 per person – totaling as much as 45% of their annual income.
· Wal-Mart Refuses to cover necessary routine health cost like well-child care and vaccination for children.
· 70% of Wal-Mart merchandise is from China
· When Wal-Mart comes to town, for every two jobs it creates three jobs are lost
· Wal-Mart costs federal taxpayers over $1.5 billion a year in welfare to their employees
· Wal-Mart tops the list of companies with employees and their dependents on public assistance in at least 11 states
· Wal-Mart has agreed to pay $4.1 million in Clean Water Act violations and $50 million to settle allegations of underpaying employees
What we can see in the future
There is a Wal-Mart in Reynoldsburg, Newark, Heath, Canal Winchester, Mt. Vernon and More. How long can Wal-Mart keep expanding like this? They are going to hit a wall. When they start closing stores which do you see getting the ax? The little store in Etna will get closed. We will be stuck with a huge building we can’t fill. Look at the Village Market in Pataskala. It is still waiting for a tenant. How is a Wal-Mart going to affect the Etna Market? The True Value hardware store? How many others?
I’ve ranted enough for now. Think about it, please.
Mr. Welier we do not have to expand as Brice road or 256 just because we are the next exit. We do not have to make the same mistakes they did. Your comments show that you haven’t been paying attention to Etna Township. The zoning committee and trustee have paid special attention to when, where and how things come into this community. Solid growth is more than opening the door to any and every business that want to plop down any where they want. Planning and developing areas for business with the water, traffic and other infrastructure in place before the business or residential area comes to result issues before they become issues. Etna Township doesn’t want to be in the position of wasting money fixes problem that business or builder assured weren’t going to be problem and later find out they are.
Business will be coming to Etna, and we will see rapid growth in a short amount of time. It will be on our terms. Etna is a premium property for a company that wants to grow and expand with us. We look forward to working with businesses that want to work with the community. We will not Ohh and Ahh over every business that touts you can have revenue if I come. We say at what cost this so called revenue is taking on the community. You seem to believe that we should be appalled that Reynoldsburg is getting Sales tax and Property tax from a Wal-mart. We should only shop where we live. I choose to look at it as paying Reynoldsburg for putting Wal-mart in their backyard so I don’t have too just to shop there.
Business that come to our community should come prepared to better the community rather than profit from it. We want businesses live up to the high business ethics. You see these ethics in our local government, our local hometown business and our residents. There nothing wrong with being small. We are a small community. We will grow but that don’t necessarily mean size. We want to grow in to a strong community. Look at Brice road now. How many buildings are vacant? They grew big but not strong.
Let’s look at a Wal-Mart coming into Etna.
We know
· Wal-Mart fails to cover 60% of their workers with any health insurance.
· In addition to paying premiums up to $249.71 per month for family coverage and $72.40 per month for single coverage, Wal-Mart workers must meet annual deductible of $350 to $1,000 per person – totaling as much as 45% of their annual income.
· Wal-Mart Refuses to cover necessary routine health cost like well-child care and vaccination for children.
· 70% of Wal-Mart merchandise is from China
· When Wal-Mart comes to town, for every two jobs it creates three jobs are lost
· Wal-Mart costs federal taxpayers over $1.5 billion a year in welfare to their employees
· Wal-Mart tops the list of companies with employees and their dependents on public assistance in at least 11 states
· Wal-Mart has agreed to pay $4.1 million in Clean Water Act violations and $50 million to settle allegations of underpaying employees
What we can see in the future
There is a Wal-Mart in Reynoldsburg, Newark, Heath, Canal Winchester, Mt. Vernon and More. How long can Wal-Mart keep expanding like this? They are going to hit a wall. When they start closing stores which do you see getting the ax? The little store in Etna will get closed. We will be stuck with a huge building we can’t fill. Look at the Village Market in Pataskala. It is still waiting for a tenant. How is a Wal-Mart going to affect the Etna Market? The True Value hardware store? How many others?
I’ve ranted enough for now. Think about it, please.