Letter to Jay Hottinger
Mr. Hottinger,
I read in the June 26th issue of ThisWeek News( Licking County) that you are reluctantly supporting the state budget.You are quoted "I'm not wild about it," Hottinger said. "But I'm not adamantly opposed to it because it (does require) a vote of the local community. For a district that passes it, it does improve their situation." At what cost?
H.B. 920, the law passed in 1976, was not pass to protect property owner from inflation but protect the home owner from having there taxes raised without a vote. By reassessment of the property, the tax can be raised without consent of the home owner. We are being asked to pay more and you are giving us less power to insure that money is being used properly. You are even quoted that you know we want this control.
Southwest Licking School District is a perfect example. People had questions. The school board just keep asking and cutting till the parents and community was faced with State take over and split-secession. I was proud of the community to bare the bussing cuts but split-secession was too much.
The papers state "Under the new law, school districts will have the option of putting on the ballot "growing mills" operating levies." There is no option. You know and I know that once this is law, there won't ever be a levy without this wording. The voters will never get an 'option'. Your statement, "it requires a vote of the local community" make me feel you are just white washing the facts. Voters will not get a choice. The schools will continue to press bussing cuts, State take over and spit-sections until the levies pass.
This is another step in chipping away voters' rights for accountability.